Accession Number DB07477
Type small molecule
Description Not Available
Categories (*)
Molecular Weight 212.2439
Groups experimental
Monoisotopic Weight 212.083729628
Indication Not Available
Mechanism of action Not Available
Absorption Not Available
Protein binding Not Available
Biotransformation Not Available
Route of elimination Not Available
Toxicity Not Available
Affected organisms Not Available
Drug Interactions Not Available
Food Interactions Not Available
Cathepsin L
Name Cathepsin L
Gene Name CTSL1
Pharmacological action unknown
Actions Not Available
  • Berman HM, Westbrook J, Feng Z, Gilliland G, Bhat TN, Weissig H, Shindyalov IN, Bourne PE: The Protein Data Bank. Nucleic Acids Res. 2000 Jan 1;28(1):235-42. - Pubmed
DTHybrid score 1.0667
Id Partner name Gene Name Score
5366 Sugar-phosphate isomerase TM_1080 0.0653
5369 Golgi-associated plant pathogenesis-related protein 1 GLIPR2 0.0653
2688 Peptide deformylase def 0.0653
2708 Peptide deformylase def 0.0653
3004 Peptide deformylase def 0.0653
4337 Peptide deformylase def 0.0653
4338 Peptide deformylase def 0.0653
5368 Peptide deformylase def 0.0653
5371 Peptide deformylase def 0.0653
6375 Peptide deformylase def 0.0653
6378 Peptide deformylase def 0.0653
6379 Peptide deformylase def 0.0653
6776 Peptide deformylase def 0.0653
6900 Peptide deformylase def 0.0653
5367 Peroxiredoxin prx 0.0653
5365 Metallo beta-lactamase blaVIM-2 0.0652
4037 Hypothetical protein GPX1 0.0652
4297 Hypothetical protein SP_1951 0.0652
4521 Hypothetical protein BC_2969 0.0652
4540 Hypothetical protein TM_1070 0.0652
4555 Hypothetical protein MT1739 0.0652
4569 Hypothetical protein mshD 0.0652
4578 Hypothetical protein PA3270 0.0652
4747 Hypothetical protein PA3967 0.0652
5177 Hypothetical protein TM_0096 0.0652
5194 Hypothetical protein PA1204 0.0652
5240 Hypothetical protein Rv2991 0.0652
5370 Hypothetical protein TM_1158 0.0652
5710 Hypothetical protein Tb927.5.1360 0.0652
4699 Methylaspartate ammonia-lyase Not Available 0.0652
3596 Deoxynucleotide monophosphate kinase 1 0.0568
3105 M-phase inducer phosphatase 2 CDC25B 0.0524
2664 S-ribosylhomocysteine lyase luxS 0.0494
2725 S-ribosylhomocysteine lyase luxS 0.0494
2385 Penicillin acylase Not Available 0.0464
615 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase 3 fabH 0.0425
3138 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase 3 fabH 0.0425
4568 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase 3 fabH 0.0425
6370 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase 3 fabH 0.0425
687 Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 1 PTPN1 0.0291