Name Aluminum hydroxide
Accession Number DB06723
Type small molecule
Description Aluminum hydroxide is an inorganic salt used as an antacid. It is a basic compound that acts by neutralizing hydrochloric acid in gastric secretions. Subsequent increases in pH may inhibit the action of pepsin. An increase in bicarbonate ions and prostaglandins may also confer cytoprotective effects.
Categories (*)
Molecular Weight 78.0036
Groups approved
Monoisotopic Weight 77.989757403
Indication For relief of heartburn and acid indigestion.
Mechanism of action Aluminum hydroxide is a basic inorganic salt that acts by neutralizing hydrochloric acid in gastric secretions. Aluminum hydroxide is slowly solubilized in the stomach and reacts with hydrochloric acid to form aluminum chloride and water. It also inhibits the action of pepsin by increasing the pH and via adsorption. Cytoprotective effects may occur through increases in bicarbonate ion (HCO3-) and prostaglandins.
Absorption Approximately 17-30% of the aluminum chloride formed is absorbed.
Protein binding Not Available
Biotransformation Not metabolized.
Route of elimination Absorbed aluminum chloride is rapidly eliminated by the kidneys in patients with normal renal function.
Toxicity Not Available
Affected organisms Not Available
Drug Interactions
Drug Mechanism of interaction
Calcipotriol Vitamin D Analogs may increase the serum concentration of Aluminum Hydroxide. Specifically, the absorption of aluminum may be increased, leading to increased serum aluminum concentrations. Avoid chronic and/or excessive use of aluminum and aluminum-containing products in patients who are also taking vitamin D analogs. Any patients consuming such a combination should be monitored closely for aluminum status and signs/symptoms of aluminum-related toxicities.
Cholecalciferol Vitamin D analogs such as cholecalciferol may increase the serum concentration of aluminum hydroxide. Specifically, the absorption of aluminum may be increased, leading to increased serum aluminum concentrations. Avoid chronic and/or excessive use of aluminum and aluminum-containing products in patients who are also taking vitamin D analogs. Any patients consuming such a combination should be monitored closely for aluminum status and signs/symptoms of aluminum-related toxicities.
Deferiprone Deferiprone may decrease gastrointestinal absorption by chelating to other ions. Interaction is significant so monitor closely.
Eltrombopag Decreases levels of eltrombopag by GI absorption inhibition.
Food Interactions Not Available