Name Apramycin
Accession Number DB04626
Type small molecule
Description Apramycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic and has a bactericidal action against many gram-negative bacteria. Apramycin is a structurally unique antibiotic that contains a bicyclic sugar moiety and a monosubstituted deoxystreptamine. It is not approved for use in humans.
Categories (*)
Molecular Weight 539.5771
Groups experimental
Monoisotopic Weight 539.280257179
Indication For the treatment of bacterial infections in animals.
Mechanism of action Apramycin stands out among aminoglycosides for its mechanism of action which is based on blocking translocation and its ability to bind also to the eukaryotic decoding site despite differences in key residues required for apramycin recognition by the bacterial target. The drug binds in the deep groove of the RNA which forms a continuously stacked helix comprising non-canonical C.A and G.A base pairs and a bulged-out adenine. The binding mode of apramycin at the human decoding-site RNA is distinct from aminoglycoside recognition of the bacterial target, suggesting a molecular basis for the actions of apramycin in eukaryotes and bacteria.
Absorption Not Available
Protein binding Not Available
Biotransformation Not Available
Route of elimination Not Available
Toxicity Not Available
Affected organisms
  • Enteric bacteria and other eubacteria
Drug Interactions
Drug Mechanism of interaction
Tacrolimus Additive renal impairment may occur during concomitant therapy with aminoglycosides such as Apramycin. Use caution during concomitant therapy.
Food Interactions Not Available
16S rRNA
Name 16S rRNA
Gene Name Not Available
Pharmacological action unknown
Actions Not Available
  • Woodcock J, Moazed D, Cannon M, Davies J, Noller HF: Interaction of antibiotics with A- and P-site-specific bases in 16S ribosomal RNA. EMBO J. 1991 Oct;10(10):3099-103. - Pubmed
  • Kondo J, Francois B, Urzhumtsev A, Westhof E: Crystallographic studies of Homo sapiens ribosomal decoding A site complexed with aminoglycosides. Nucleic Acids Symp Ser (Oxf). 2005;(49):253-4. - Pubmed
DTHybrid score Not Available