Name Interferon beta-1b
Accession Number DB00068 (BIOD00078, BTD00078)
Type biotech
Description Human interferon beta (165 residues), cysteine 17 is substituted with serine. Produced in E. coli, no carbohydrates, MW=18.5kD
Categories (*)
Molecular Weight 20011.0000
Groups approved
Monoisotopic Weight Not Available
Indication Interferon beta-1b is a drug used for the treatment of relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis. It has been shown to slow the advance of the disease as well as to decrease the frequency of attacks.
Mechanism of action Interferon beta binds to type I interferon receptors (IFNAR1 and IFNAR2c) which activate two Jak (Janus kinase) tyrosine kinases (Jak1 and Tyk2). These transphosphorylate themselves and phosphorylate the receptors. The phosphorylated INFAR receptors then bind to Stat1 and Stat2 (signal transducers and activators of transcription)which dimerize and activate multiple (~100) immunomodulatory and antiviral proteins. Interferon beta binds more stably to type I interferon receptors than interferon alpha.
Absorption Not Available
Protein binding Not Available
Biotransformation Not Available
Route of elimination Not Available
Toxicity Not Available
Affected organisms
  • Humans and other mammals
Drug Interactions
Drug Mechanism of interaction
Zidovudine The interferon increases the effect and toxicity of zidovudine
Food Interactions Not Available
Interferon-alpha/beta receptor alpha chain
Name Interferon-alpha/beta receptor alpha chain
Gene Name IFNAR1
Pharmacological action yes
Actions agonist
  • Russell-Harde D, Wagner TC, Perez HD, Croze E: Formation of a uniquely stable type I interferon receptor complex by interferon beta is dependent upon particular interactions between interferon beta and its receptor and independent of tyrosine phosphorylation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1999 Feb 16;255(2):539-44. - Pubmed
  • Chen X, Ji ZL, Chen YZ: TTD: Therapeutic Target Database. Nucleic Acids Res. 2002 Jan 1;30(1):412-5. - Pubmed
DTHybrid score 1.8511
Interferon-alpha/beta receptor beta chain
Name Interferon-alpha/beta receptor beta chain
Gene Name IFNAR2
Pharmacological action yes
Actions agonist
  • Russell-Harde D, Wagner TC, Perez HD, Croze E: Formation of a uniquely stable type I interferon receptor complex by interferon beta is dependent upon particular interactions between interferon beta and its receptor and independent of tyrosine phosphorylation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1999 Feb 16;255(2):539-44. - Pubmed
  • Chen X, Ji ZL, Chen YZ: TTD: Therapeutic Target Database. Nucleic Acids Res. 2002 Jan 1;30(1):412-5. - Pubmed
DTHybrid score 1.8511