FlashMotif is software for finding statistically significant colored motifs with analytically derived p-values. FlashMotif uses the GLabTrie algorithm for counting occurrences of colored motifs in a graph and implements an analytical model to assess motifs significance without generating random graphs. FlashMotif works on both directed and undirected networks and can handle induced and non-induced injective and multiset topological colored motifs with color-topology dependency or independency.
Before downloading, be sure to have Java installed (version 8 or more).
JAR file of FlashMotif :
JAR file of the software for reproducing experiments (comparison between simulation-based and analytical model):
JAVA source code for FlashMotif and AnalyticalRepro:
Sample networks:
Lists of all undirected topologies with 3 to 8 nodes and all directed topologies with 3 to 5 nodes:
To run FlashMotif or AnalyticalRepro JAR files please refer to the README.txt files contained in the relative ZIP archives.
If you use FlashMotif for reasearch purpose, please cite the following papers:
If you have any trouble with the software or you want to report any bug, please contact: gmicale@dmi.unict.it and apulvirenti@dmi.unict.it